Hi, everyone! I'm back!
School was officially over on Tuesday. I know my overall grade for A&P, but I have yet to find out about Microbiology. I'm antsy. It could go a couple ways for me. Because, DAMN that final was nasty!! :) Whatever grade i end up with, though, should be passing... I think. :)
I have so much stuff to post about. So many things have happened since my last personal post. I figured, since there is so much to tell, I will just do one big post with pictures and comments to fill you in.
We celebrated St. Patty's Day... MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY!!!

I left Vitamin Cottage. We celebrated our first Sunday together since August with a brunch that - duh - included mimosas.

Ladd turned 29!!!!

I started my new job working in the kennels at an animal clinic. On Saturdays, I have to be there by 7am. Notice the sky (that was in March...its light out at 6:30 now) and notice the gas prices. Ewwww.

It snowed some more.

KU beat Roy's boys and then turned around and won the national championship!!! Oh, how I wish I could have been in Lawrence. Thanks Lawrence friends, for sending me the pics of downtown!!! GO KU!!!

Our first keg party in the mountains.

AND NOW......
I have put in my notice at the kennels and will possibly work at the Brewpub this summer. (long story... )
Schwartzkopf is in beginning stage of kidney failure. We caught it early enough that he should still have a handful of good years left, but its different with every cat, so we will do our part to keep his kidneys happy and hope for a good few more years with this little rascal.
Ladd is doing well. He still loves his job.
Bailey is good. She is enjoying the crazy rapids that are happening in our "creek" (more like a raging river... seriously!! Its crazy!)
Luna is healthy and happy and enjoying her 20 hours of sleep a day! :)