Sunday, April 13, 2008


I have been experiencing this emotion.
Especially regarding my blog, lately.
That is why there have not been new posts this past month. Its not that nothing has been happening, because in fact there have been significant events. I just haven't felt like blogging. And since this is a "just for fun" blog, (insert eric cartman voice) I'll do what i want!!! :) But now that I lost my camera, I can't post about some of the things I planned to eventually write about - at least not with the pictures and that's half the fun! Hopefully the camera will show up and I can share what's been going on (after school is over, though. Finals are in 3 weeks!!!)

1 comment:

Rae said...

I hear ya.
Thinking of you.
Wishing I could see you.
Remembering how involved school was, and thinking of all the hard work you're up to.
Thinking of mountains and snow and goats and beer.
Missing you.
love you.