Monday, August 25, 2008

back to school

For some reason, every time school starts up again for me, I instantly have this playing in my head. :)

School started up again, today. I think my general feeling of today was relief. I know this semester is going to be tough and I will have TONS of reading, but I am ready. Bring it! I had a good long break and now its time to get back to business. That degree isn't going to get into my hands by camping, working, and other summer fun-ness that has been had. Its time to work!

I only had a couple of my classes today and so far so good. I am super excited for U.S. history. I will be learning so much and loving the discussions of politics, I'm sure!

I got a peak at the new vet tech freshman. (at least the ones that are in the 2 year program) These are the girls that I will be graduating with, along with my other fellow classmates from last year. I feel pretty hopeful and optimistic that this crew of people have integrity and kindness.... more than last year's class I hope.

I am not here to make friends, but it would sure be nice to do so. Not that last year's class was ever mean to me.... I stayed out of the petty/catty bullshit, therefore not making enemies. But it was harder to want to be friends outside of school with so many of these girls when they chose to make fun of and gossip about others. Not the people I want to hang with. Discussing feelings with your friends about/towards someone else is MUCH different than pointless and hateful comments... at least in my book. And let me say, yes, I did make some friends last year. It was just slim pickins' is all I'm trying to say. :)

Anyway, I have a good vibe so far about how this year will go and my trust and hope in anticipation of this year has been steady and strong all summer. Lets hope this class is a fine bunch of chicks (and one guy).

And yes, I take a lunch box to school.... it's just not as cool as Billy's. :)

1 comment:

Rae said...

I love your enthusiasm and excitement to buckle down and work hard. I'm sure you'll have a great (but exhausting as well as rewarding) year.

I hear ya about the friendship options... you have to keep yourself above the fray when it comes to people like that. They'll only tear you down with their negativity and b.s. Good luck dealing ... and making new friends.

And just for the record, this week at Christmas I have been looking forward to ALL YEAR. I can't think of anyplace I would rather be, than with you and the family, in the middle of a flat, red state for a week in cold December. (I mean, if we ALL could be on a beach in Hawaii, that would be cool too.... but still, the Midwestern cold location will be just fine by me.)