Tuesday, August 19, 2008

i'm still here...

.... sort of.

Obviously, I haven't posted in awhile. Its a combination of lacking time/energy/enthusiasm/and creativity.

Don't fret. I'll get a groove back... I hope.

My second year of the vet tech program starts up next Monday.

Round two, baby!

I'm also loading myself up on a couple other classes so I can (hopefully) graduate with two degrees in May of 2010. Two of these extra courses are U.S. history, which really, what American couldn't use a little tune up of knowledge of our evolution as a country! eh?
(More like a complete overhaul, for me! I lack so much knowledge in this category! *looks down in shame)

I'm also taking comparative religions. Not exactly sure which religions will be discussed, but hopefully it expands beyond western religions. ... I'll keep you posted. (ha! Catch the pun???!!!) :) I wonder if I'll have to defend the Catholic religion again, like I did with the Mennonites I grew up with.... This could be interesting!!!!


1 comment:

Rae said...


I want to hear all about school, when it starts. I think you'll enjoy those classes. I always wished I would have taken a religion class "Islam, Judaism, Christianity" or something like that in college -- I feel really dumb about all religions other than the one I was raised in. I actually recently bought "An Illustrated History of Religion" with the hopes of expanding my knowledge. I has given me basic info only. Hmmm...

Glad you're doing well.... we'll talk again soon.