Really, this whole blog thing started to become tedious and unfulfilling. I felt my posts were uninteresting and I started to get frustrated with a lack of understanding why some applications and pictures weren't working.
Oh yeah, and I've been BUSY. :)
School was nothing short of overwhelming at times, this past semester. 17 credit hours, 7 classes plus an online pet nutrition course kept me pretty busy.
Also, I really do feel like my posts - my whole blogging style, really - is uninteresting. Let me know if you feel otherwise or have any tips for me. I'm considering revving this thing up again but doing things different.....
less words, more pictures.
Here's one for starters. A picture outside our living room in October after the first big snow of the season.
just a break! just a break!
by the way, i have tried sending you emails and they keep bouncing back. grrrr.
it sounds like plans are moving on for traveling, etc. hoping we get to see each other!
(and play that game!)
i love your blog posts, pictures, words, jokes, ALL OF IT! And you know i've been terrible about getting my blog updated too.
(is it somewhat ironic that I am typing this while you are in the other room... Merry Christmas!)
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