Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I did it

I finally reached my goal.

Growing up, I always loved my aunt Janelle's hair. She was of the hippie generation. Bell bottoms, beaded entry-ways, incense, and of course, lots of long, flowing hair. I LOVED IT!!! I wanted it. At a young age, I would stand behind her when she was sitting and put her hair over mind so I could pretend it was mine. All mine. I wanted my hair to be to my waist like hers. As I got older, I kept making this a personal goal, but I would get tired of all the work it took to maintain my long hair and then end up cutting it.

In the summer of 2004, my aunt Janelle lost her battle to pancreatic cancer. So, as a tribute to her and the hair that she claimed for all of her 40-some years of life, I decided to revive the goal of growing my hair down to my waist and then pledged to myself to cut it off and donate it for cancer patients.

Well, alas, the first portion of my goal has been reached!! 3 1/2 years later. It took patience. Lots of patience.

I hoped to be ready to cut my hair real short by the time my hair got this long, but I am not. A few other things need to fall into place. However, my hair was making me insane. It needed a serious trimming. I had Ladd take this photo so I had proof that I, in fact, finally met my goal before I got it trimmed.

Here's to you Janelle. I love you and cherish the good memories of you.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

warm and fuzzy

Here's another good story.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Bailey, our sweet black lab, turned 6 today. It feels a bit surreal. We've had her 6 years? Really? I think back to me practically begging Ladd for a dog. Oh how I wanted a dog. And he finally caved in and he chose Bailey out of the litter himeself.
We took her to play and run at a park today, then to PetCo to let her select treats of her choice.

Oh, we love you sweet, sweet Bailey.

(Mommy is trying real hard to get you a sibling!!!)


I turned 28 on the 27th of February. All in all, I think it was a good day. I got wishes of a good birthday from Oregon all the way to Wichita. Thank you, everyone who sent me ecards and emails. I feel good and loved that I was thought of.

I know I look a bit shocked here.... its the red eye flash thingy.

I love to think about my birth. I often do throughout the year anyway. I think I am more intrigued by my entrance to this world than most, due to me being adopted. But, on my birthday, I often think of the day I came into the world. I am priviledged enough to have my birth mother part of my life so I have been able to hear how the preganncy went. I appreciate you for that and more, Dorothy. And so she says, my birth was fast and easy. Oh, how I hope that is a genetic thing and I have my children with such ease (though I know you said Christopher and Chad weren't so easy). I can never thank you enough, Dorothy, for giving me this gift of life. I am trying to live it with fullness and gratitude. Much love to you.

But, I digress....

Here are photos of my fun evening out.

My sweet husband and friend who took me out on the town. We caught the end of the KU game, too, so it was a double treat.

He surprised me with a nicely wrapped gift...

I was SHOCKED to discover he had bought me an MP3 player!! Woo-hoo!!! I look forward to using this A LOT!

Oh, and of course there were beers to be had!!!