Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

pandas could die

So, apparently this upcoming winter storm is going to be so bad not only could you die but the following other extremes may occur. should you decide to be crazy enough to drive through it:

1.) A kitten will explode every 60 seconds
2.) The eighties fashion trend will increase exponentially (we're talking neon colored leg warmers and aqua net, people!)
3.) The muffin top you refuse to acknowledge you are sporting will double in size
4.) Pandas will become extinct overnight
5.) Palin will be elected President in 2012 (seriously, that's reason enough to stay home and watch "A Christmas Story" marathon on the AMC channel)
6.) Your children will decide that moving out of the house after college is 'over-rated' and decide to live with you 'indefinitely'

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

is it over or just a break?

no post since June, huh? I knew it had been awhile but didn't realize it was that long.


Really, this whole blog thing started to become tedious and unfulfilling. I felt my posts were uninteresting and I started to get frustrated with a lack of understanding why some applications and pictures weren't working.

Oh yeah, and I've been BUSY. :)

School was nothing short of overwhelming at times, this past semester. 17 credit hours, 7 classes plus an online pet nutrition course kept me pretty busy.

Also, I really do feel like my posts - my whole blogging style, really - is uninteresting. Let me know if you feel otherwise or have any tips for me. I'm considering revving this thing up again but doing things different.....

less words, more pictures.

Here's one for starters. A picture outside our living room in October after the first big snow of the season.