Monday, April 6, 2009

new toy

So I finally decided on a new camera.

So far i am happy with it. Quite a bit, actually.

I do realize i have A TON to learn about it, though. It came with a big instruction manual as well as a CD. I intend to educate myself of its abilities.... eventually. I despise reading instruction manuals.

L.O.A.T.H. I.T.

Until i muster up the discipline to get educated on my new toy, i will be snapping photos with blissful ignorance!

Here are a few samples from the first couple days I had the camera. I played a lot with the lighting and focus. This baby has a crazy long zoom for a point and shoot and I have some practicing to do, but it was one of the features that helped me choose it.

As I said, i am aware that I have a lot to learn about this camera before I get the best pictures from it.

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1 comment:

Rae said...

Yippee! It looks like you've gotten some great shots! Love the flowers. (And of course I know your favorite flower... how can I not!?)

Love ya!