Friday, December 5, 2008

last day of classes

I have officially finished my last day of regular classes for this semester!

I have one final down and 5 more to go. Two of them are half take-home and half in class. In another class we were assigned a paper due the day of the final.

Let me count this out:
2 papers
3 online quizzes
2 take-home exams
5 in class finals

All of this is to be due at various times within the next 7 days. Some are even due tonight.

Wow. I am officially cramming!


Any positive vibes/energy you can send my way would be mucho appreciado!!!


Rae said...

You got my vibes, sis!
Maybe I was chanelling your stress last night. I had a dream that I was back in college and had somehow missed 2 full weeks of classes.
GOOD LUCK! (And this means we're getting closer to seeing each other... yeah!)

SchwesterGaga said...

I'm def. sending you good vibes! You'll do great, I have confidence in you and your abilities! :)