Friday, October 3, 2008

don't vote

Okay. I'm not a big fan of celebrity endorsement/instruction/etc., but its not who is saying what here that matters as much as WHAT they are saying.

If you care about who is running your local or state school board - you know, the ones who decide what your kids will get to learn - you should vote.

If you care about your civil rights. Your children's civil rights. Strangers' rights in another country. you should vote.

You may feel your vote doesn't matter. You may think who you choose to vote for as the next President doesn't matter, in your state.

But there is more on your ballot than choosing the next leader of our country. There are almost always city, county, and state issues/positions up for vote on the very same ballot.


This freedom you have. This safety and comfort you have. Your children have. Don't take it for granted.

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